They had it all, they really were

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By MR-7
Yesterday 6:11 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 6:11 pm
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The KING of beers. Every year, we all waited to see the new Bud Light commercial. Then, like many other companies, they went woke. They had many great commercials, and this was one of them....
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Johnny You
Today 2:18 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,618 posts
Michelob Ultra Zero is the best Non Alcoholic. It also has only like 26 cals a can. It's basically beer flavored seltzer water.

Saved By Zero has new meaning for me.
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Today 5:46 am
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JohnnyYou » Today, 2:18 am » wrote: Michelob Ultra Zero is the best Non Alcoholic. It also has only like 26 cals a can. It's basically beer flavored seltzer water. There probably isn't any brewing involved in making it.

Saved By Zero has new meaning for me. I have heard it took humanity a while  to understand the number line goes to zero and below. We had to check that box off to achieve understanding of imaginary numbers. Imagine That!
You sound like a fat boy.
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Today 6:07 am
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RebelGator » 25 minutes ago » wrote: You sound like a fat boy.
You spelled *** wrong... :die:  
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