You mean like a Bouncing Betty or a Claymore?*GHETTOBLASTER » 18 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ It should be legal to booby trap your safe / vault with a "life changing" booby trap.
No court in the land should ever side with the criminal who went out of his way to enter your house with intent to rape, rob or murder..[then end up getting severely injured or killed]..
[[[JWO ANTI GUN AGENDA]]] is pushing "soft on crime" policy with the hope it leads to enough vigilantism / civil war to make our increasingly effeminized public eager to abolish legal gun ownership.
An IR beam detector that triggers the release of a spring loaded, barbed steel spike that goes right through the hand of whoever trips the circuit.
I'm good with bobby traps. Yes, they were legal and still should be legal.*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 3:10 pm » wrote: ↑ It should be legal to booby trap your safe / vault with a "life changing" booby trap.
No court in the land should ever side with the criminal who went out of his way to enter your house with intent to rape, rob or murder..[then end up getting severely injured or killed]..
[[[JWO ANTI GUN AGENDA]]] is pushing "soft on crime" policy with the hope it leads to enough vigilantism / civil war to make our increasingly effeminized public eager to abolish legal gun ownership.
Y'all are way too sophisticated. Someone who is not me mentioned taking an extension cord, plugging it into the outlet behind shim's safe. Cut off the female end and run one wire to the handle and the other to the metal dial. Heck, why not use 2 outlets and electrify the body of the safe as well.*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 3:36 pm » wrote: ↑ An IR beam detector that triggers the release of a spring loaded, barbed steel spike that goes right through the hand of whoever trips the circuit.
You could substitute a .22 caliber round that is fired by a solenoid through a short section of pipe, [instead of the spike].
There would need to be a 1 second delay to give the **** Headl's hand ample time to get centered under the trap.
Why just 1 22 when you could easily have 15 go off simultaneously?*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 3:36 pm » wrote: ↑ An IR beam detector that triggers the release of a spring loaded, barbed steel spike that goes right through the hand of whoever trips the circuit.
You could substitute a .22 caliber round that is fired by a solenoid through a short section of pipe, [instead of the spike].
There would need to be a 1 second delay to give the **** Headl's hand ample time to get centered under the trap.
I veto that. Pot makes people lazy, effeminate and dumb; ****-nation worthy only.
Skans » 31 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Why just 1 22 when you could easily have 15 go off simultaneously?
Unless the handle is electrically isolated from the dial and if the crook needs both hands to do the job.........Skans » 45 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Y'all are way too sophisticated. Someone who is not me mentioned taking an extension cord, plugging it into the outlet behind swim's safe. Cut off the female end and run one wire to the handle and the other to the metal dial. Heck, why not use 2 outlets and electrify the body of the safe as well. If swim wants to get real fancy, wire in a couple of Microwave capacitors just for giggles.