Unhinged Pedo=Progressives: Schumer cancels book tour over death threats from own party

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Yesterday 3:09 pm
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8,951 posts
Pedo=Progs have completely lost it....they are getting crazed, violent and unpredictable.

they are eating their own for all to see

Sexual degenerate snowflakes that are so steeped in Pedo=Progressive propaganda they can't function in a civil society

If it gets too bad they  will have to be rounded up for reeducation and prolonged detention. 
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23 minutes ago
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19,756 posts
nefarious101 » Yesterday, 3:09 pm » wrote: Pedo=Progs have completely lost it....they are getting crazed, violent and unpredictable.

they are eating their own for all to see

Sexual degenerate snowflakes that are so steeped in Pedo=Progressive propaganda they can't function in a civil society

If it gets too bad they  will have to be rounded up for reeducation and prolonged detention.
they're good at eating their own...good and tender after being thrown under the bus... :lol:  
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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