LowIQTrash » Today, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ DUBYA the Shrub: Uniquely ‘merican ain’t it?
Life in Late Stage Capitalism…coming to a city near you in 2037
Reasonable doubt is what has individual brains of ancestral living socially here minding ideas life isn't self evident time living by adapting to the moment isn't what sustains eternity daily here.LowIQTrash » Today, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ DUBYA the Shrub: Uniquely ‘merican ain’t it?
Life in Late Stage Capitalism…coming to a city near you in 2037
Your actual role playing character really stands out beyond your syllables of reasonable doubt capitalizing of organized denial and orchestrated chaos daily.nefarious101 » 16 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ George W is a Pedo=Prog of the Rino variety.
He is a white Obama
31stArrival » 5 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Your actual role playing character really stands out beyond your syllables of reasonable doubt capitalizing of organized denial and orchestrated chaos daily.
Human tyranny by power of suggesting now isn't eternity has last 74 years since conception. I am only 73 since birth. 0-9 months time conceived to born is in effect by factual calendar dating in linear relative denial genetics has always sustained eternal separation of each ancestor alive today/this rotation lived or alive between fertilized cell and decomposed corpse.
*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 5:49 am » wrote: ↑ After watching that I am now 100% sure that humanity needs a 90% population correction to take place very soon .....![]()
In the mean time here is the real reason why the "Leftist Elite" believe that we have a skilled labor shortage that only tens of millions of Illegal Aliens can fill....
https://www.christiantoday.com/news/u-s ... apocalypse
There are more effeminately raised white kids than ever before thanks [in part] to the aftermath of Women's Lib.*Beekeeper » 5 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Well, we actually DO have a skilled labor shortage due TO the policies and values instilled by the LWNJs into our EDUCATION SYSTEM!!
When they indoctrinate children rather than EDUCATE, you get weak minds and empty skulls of knowledge. When teachers UNION SUPPORT is more important than TEACHING, you get mush for brains in kids.
So even though you do have some truth in your post, the "rest of the story" is where the real meat of the issue lies.
All you have to do to know that this is true is to look at the OP's entire BS TOPIC and resulting post. When you HATE America and American VALUES this much, you are a perfect example of how that INDOCRINATION worked to perfection.
LowIQTrash » Today, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ DUBYA the Shrub: Uniquely ‘merican ain’t it?
Life in Late Stage Capitalism…coming to a city near you in 2037
*GHETTOBLASTER » 32 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ There are more effeminately raised white kids than ever before thanks [in part] to the aftermath of Women's Lib.
How many of those kids ever climbed a tree, hammered a nail or built a tree house...?
There are waiting lists to get into the skilled trades unions thanks [in part] to a loss of market share to illegal alien labor.
This is the latest I've heard about the IBEW.......https://www.reddit.com/r/ibew_apprentic ... t_into_an/*Beekeeper » 20 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ In many kids today, a skinned knee would be the same as a craniotomy. And their momma would be suing whoever she could for letting her little Johnny fall down.
We have an entire generation or 2 of pussified "boys". And any YOUNG MAN who wants to get into the skilled trades can name their price these days. An HVAC tech can make 6 figures EASILY and start from scratch and be in business for their self inside of 2-3 years. Same with an electrician or even a plumber. Don't get me started on welders as they are in massive demand and with solid skills can literally name their own price. A TIG welder that is good can make EASILY $150-200,000 yearly. Sure it's hot work, but you take the trade-off for above average pay.
Show me a LWNJ's kid that would even REMOTELY think about that career choice path.
*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 8:56 am » wrote: ↑ This is the latest I've heard about the IBEW.......https://www.reddit.com/r/ibew_apprentic ... t_into_an/
Much depends on where you live.
The best jobs [high end] in new construction and in remodels usually goes to union labor.
I've worked both ends of that spectrum.
Is that a fish net shirt he is wearing?LowIQTrash » Today, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ DUBYA the Shrub: Uniquely ‘merican ain’t it?
Life in Late Stage Capitalism…coming to a city near you in 2037
Yep...Empire is a VampireLowIQTrash » Today, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ DUBYA the Shrub: Uniquely ‘merican ain’t it?
Life in Late Stage Capitalism…coming to a city near you in 2037
Just blow up some thermonuclear warheads in atmosphere*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 5:49 am » wrote: ↑ After watching that I am now 100% sure that humanity needs a 90% population correction to take place very soon .....![]()
In the mean time here is the real reason why the "Leftist Elite" believe that we have a skilled labor shortage that only tens of millions of Illegal Aliens can fill....
https://www.christiantoday.com/news/u-s ... apocalypse
You're going to piss off Cannonpointer by saying that*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 5:49 am » wrote: ↑ After watching that I am now 100% sure that humanity needs a 90% population correction to take place very soon .....![]()
In the mean time here is the real reason why the "Leftist Elite" believe that we have a skilled labor shortage that only tens of millions of Illegal Aliens can fill....
https://www.christiantoday.com/news/u-s ... apocalypse
I know..!!
There you go again.*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 5:49 am » wrote: ↑ After watching that I am now 100% sure that humanity needs a 90% population correction to take place very soon .....![]()
In the mean time here is the real reason why the "Leftist Elite" believe that we have a skilled labor shortage that only tens of millions of Illegal Aliens can fill....
https://www.christiantoday.com/news/u-s ... apocalypse