Jan 6th was a hoax but ANTIFA, BLM and The Tesla Terror Attacks Aren't

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Yesterday 6:38 am
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January 6th was a Pedo=Progs HOAX, a diversion to hide a rigged election.

It was an attempt at wholesale political persecution of Americans who disagree with them politically.

It destroyed lives and separated families 

BLM Riots, the Antifa Riots and the Tesla Terrorist Attacks are REAL....2+ billion dollars in damage to public and private property.

Why do Americans put up with the destruction of everything America is and America stands for?

How do we get it to stop?...

stopping it will save lives, property, save people and families from being separated from each other 

Shooting rioters, looters and terrorists who are caught in the act would stop it cold...

it would save lives, property and keep families from being separated 

Holding those responsible is the "CURE"

The Pedo=Progs were willing to use their "CURE" against the law abiding American people to destroy lives and separate families

Why Don't The American People demand that their "CURE" by applied as well

Maybe they need a few destroyed lives and separated families to understand the message?

In the long run it will save lives, property and not separate families
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Yesterday 6:52 am
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BLM riots sponsored by Soros.

If DOGE runs out of things to do someday, maybe they can look for a money trail that leads back to the Obama Whitehouse too...?

The non stop lying about Jan 6 is what sent [[[CNN & NBC]]] swirling down the drain..... :wah:  
Evidently some of their Liberal viewership could no longer stomach getting lied to non stop with the "Worst Attack Since Pearl Harbor / Insurrection" malarkey.
MASS EMBARRASSMENT ABOUT THEIR SOURCES proves that at least some Liberals had enough sense of shame to turn their backs on [[[CNN & NBC]]]

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Yesterday 7:02 am
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Trump's MAGA Movement is spreading to Canada, Europe and South America.

The Ruling Elite's Days are numbered in many countries around the world.

As the MAGA Movement spreads more Ruling Elite will fall.

The cycle has now become the "Weak Men Of Pedo-Progressivism" meet the "Strong Men Of MAGA"
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Yesterday 7:05 am
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Bye Bye US Department of Education

Total destruction scheduled today

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Yesterday 7:33 am
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nefarious101 » 32 minutes ago » wrote: Bye Bye US Department of Education

Total destruction scheduled today

A fitting tribute to a man deemed a "moron" by those who know him best.
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Yesterday 7:44 am
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Blackvegetable » 14 minutes ago » wrote: A fitting tribute to a man deemed a "moron" by those who know him best.

Once again that the opinion of a dickhead...your opinion.

You seem to have lost interest in your Russia Russia Russia" obsession and your "Man In A Dress" Narrative...what gives?

After years of copy and pasting pedo=progressive propaganda about those stories and you're just walking away?

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Yesterday 7:58 am
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Simple to Understand Unless You Are A Complete "**** 4 Brains"

Find an issue with an 80% approval rating

Support that issue knowing that a "Media Driven Mass Psychosis" called TDS will force the "**** 4 Brains" to jump on the 20% approval that's left

Bing Badda Bong....bait taken and hook securely ripped into the lips of the "**** 4 Brains", you just let them run with it...for all to see.

then you just repeat it the process again......

the "**** 4 Brains" are demanding more bait, more ripped lips and more exposure

they think it's winning
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Yesterday 11:09 am
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The Tesla attacks are funny.

Retards attacking a retarded Oligrach....in a retarded country...

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Yesterday 12:57 pm
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Sumela » Today, 11:09 am » wrote: The Tesla attacks are funny.

Retards attacking a retarded Oligrach....in a retarded country...


Hey Sumela the Dickhead....

Speaking of funny....good thing you use those emojis so we know when you are supposed to be funny
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Yesterday 2:08 pm
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Tesla trucks are ugly and gay.

They look better in flames.... :lol:  
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Yesterday 7:29 pm
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Sumela » Today, 2:08 pm » wrote: Tesla trucks are ugly and gay.

They look better in flames.... Image
butt ugly...
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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Yesterday 7:48 pm
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ROG62 » 19 minutes ago » wrote: butt ugly...
They appear to be a status symbol of really ...really bad taste.
Guys who buy them prolly also love plastic titties.  A **** crime.
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Today 6:00 am
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Sumela » Yesterday, 7:48 pm » wrote: They appear to be a status symbol of really ...really bad taste.
Guys who buy them prolly also love plastic titties.  A **** crime.
when Elon did his intro where the window broke, I didn't think it looked too bad...but seeing one in person? Makes me wonder if it's changed a lot since the prototype...

It's most definitely a swinging dick issue...making up for the lack thereof...I'm surprised brown hasn't mentioned his yet... :rofl:  
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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