maga and billionaires are really happy now

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By jerra b
Yesterday 1:54 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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jerra b
Yesterday 1:54 pm
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8,909 posts ... p-00239453

The Agriculture Department has halted millions of dollars worth of deliveries to food banks without explanation, according to food bank leaders in six states.USDA had previously allocated $500 million in deliveries to food banks for fiscal year 2025 through The Emergency Food Assistance Program. Now, the food bank leaders say many of those orders have been canceled.The halting of these deliveries, first reported by POLITICO, comes after the Agriculture Department separately axed two other food programs, ending more than $1 billion in planned federal spending for schools and food banks to purchase from local farmers.USDA did not respond to multiple requests for comment.The collective cuts are expected to make it more difficult for food banks to meet families’ needs, with food prices 
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jerra b
Yesterday 1:56 pm
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rollins is behaving like a good maga rat. ... griculture
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jerra b
Yesterday 1:58 pm
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he is so full of ****. he does not give a damn about anyone, including farmers.

In his proclamation, President Trump underscored the essential role of American agriculture in the nation’s economy and way of life:

“From the earliest days of our Republic, our farmers and agricultural communities have been the source of American success — enduring the elements and defying hard conditions to cultivate our land and feed the people. Farming is indelibly engrained in our history, customs, and culture, and stands to this day as the bedrock of our economy and way of life."

“For centuries, American farmers and ranchers have been the lifeblood of the American economy. Today and every day, we extend our unending gratitude to the dedicated men and women in farming communities who embody the timeless virtues of hard work and self-reliance. As we continue our new chapter of American prosperity, we commit to embolden the heroes of our agricultural community who work tirelessly with their unwavering American pride to nourish our Nation, feed our families, and fuel our way of life.”
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jerra b
Yesterday 2:04 pm
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--------------------These funds have supported farms and organizations’ capacity to buoy their communities through post-COVID difficulties and multiple natural disasters,” the state added. “These funds have increased resilience across many of Vermont’s diverse communities not just in supply chains, but in connecting communities to each other and to nourishing food.”

About $994,200 of the funds the USDA cut was to go to school districts to purchase food from farmers and $277,850 was slated for early child care centers. Other funding was set for “food access projects,” including free CSA shares and food pantries, all tasked with purchasing food from farmers across Vermont.

“One hundred percent of the $1.2 million was dedicated to food purchases, and would have gone directly into the hands of Vermont farmers and producers,” according to a presentation from the Vermont Farm to School and Early Childhood Network, which held a Zoom meeting Wednesday to discuss the impact of the cuts. The call included farmers, as well as representatives from food hubs and other organizations that will be affected by the cuts.

“Every dollar spent on local food generates an additional $1.60 in economic activity for Vermont,” according to the network. “This funding would have benefited farmers, food hubs, distributors, local processors, and rural communities, keeping money
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Yesterday 3:18 pm
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Feed yourself, quit looking for handouts.
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Yesterday 3:28 pm
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jerrab » Today, 1:54 pm » wrote: ... p-00239453

The Agriculture Department has halted millions of dollars worth of deliveries to food banks without explanation, according to food bank leaders in six states.USDA had previously allocated $500 million in deliveries to food banks for fiscal year 2025 through The Emergency Food Assistance Program. Now, the food bank leaders say many of those orders have been canceled.The halting of these deliveries, first reported by POLITICO, comes after the Agriculture Department separately axed two other food programs, ending more than $1 billion in planned federal spending for schools and food banks to purchase from local farmers.USDA did not respond to multiple requests for comment.The collective cuts are expected to make it more difficult for food banks to meet families’ needs, with food prices

Why would you use a paid Pedo=prog propaganda tabloid like Politico?....don't you read the news?
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Yesterday 3:29 pm
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jerrab » Today, 1:54 pm » wrote: ... p-00239453

The Agriculture Department has halted millions of dollars worth of deliveries to food banks without explanation, according to food bank leaders in six states.USDA had previously allocated $500 million in deliveries to food banks for fiscal year 2025 through The Emergency Food Assistance Program. Now, the food bank leaders say many of those orders have been canceled.The halting of these deliveries, first reported by POLITICO, comes after the Agriculture Department separately axed two other food programs, ending more than $1 billion in planned federal spending for schools and food banks to purchase from local farmers.USDA did not respond to multiple requests for comment.The collective cuts are expected to make it more difficult for food banks to meet families’ needs, with food prices

You conveniently left this little gem of info out of your cut and paste.

The collective cuts are expected to make it more difficult for food banks to meet families’ needs, with food prices now 20 percent higher than they were in 2020, food bank leaders say.

Now maybe, just MAYBE if Biden hadn't driven food costs up 20% in 4 years this wouldn't be an issue. Yah think much?????
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Yesterday 4:01 pm
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EDC4ALL! » 32 minutes ago » wrote: You conveniently left this little gem of info out of your cut and paste.

The collective cuts are expected to make it more difficult for food banks to meet families’ needs, with food prices now 20 percent higher than they were in 2020, food bank leaders say.

Now maybe, just MAYBE if Biden hadn't driven food costs up 20% in 4 years this wouldn't be an issue. Yah think much?????
All the more reason NOT to make the cuts

did you really think that you made a point?
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Yesterday 4:03 pm
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jerrab » Today, 1:54 pm » wrote: ... p-00239453

The Agriculture Department has halted millions of dollars worth of deliveries to food banks without explanation, according to food bank leaders in six states.USDA had previously allocated $500 million in deliveries to food banks for fiscal year 2025 through The Emergency Food Assistance Program. Now, the food bank leaders say many of those orders have been canceled.The halting of these deliveries, first reported by POLITICO, comes after the Agriculture Department separately axed two other food programs, ending more than $1 billion in planned federal spending for schools and food banks to purchase from local farmers.USDA did not respond to multiple requests for comment.The collective cuts are expected to make it more difficult for food banks to meet families’ needs, with food prices
That's wonderful  news!
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Yesterday 4:06 pm
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Mrkelly » 5 minutes ago » wrote: All the more reason NOT to make the cuts

did you really think that you made a point?
The point is we should be doing everything possible to discourage laziness and looking for free handouts......get a job and buy you own food or starve.
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Yesterday 4:15 pm
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RebelGator » 10 minutes ago » wrote: The point is we should be doing everything possible to discourage laziness and looking for free handouts......get a job and buy you own food or starve.
:LOL:  cute kid

future compassionate conservative  :LOL:  
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Yesterday 4:35 pm
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Mrkelly » 36 minutes ago » wrote: All the more reason NOT to make the cuts

did you really think that you made a point?

Go **** yourself mrqueerly, ya god-damned piece of ****!
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jerra b
Yesterday 4:38 pm
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RebelGator » 39 minutes ago » wrote: That's wonderful  news!

I knew you would be happy about starving children.
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