What Nutter Sends Their Kid to Sarah Lawrence College???

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By Skans
Yesterday 2:00 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 2:00 pm
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Located in Yonkers, New York, Sarah Laurence college has built a reputation for its beyond-communist curriculum with heavy emphasis on "gender studies", "racial justice" and "LGBTQ+#@&" activism. The school was at the center of a controversy when a professor wrote an op-ed about its campus bias, leading to a massive backlash from dopey, brainwashed students demanding his resignation.

But, that's just the tip of this rotten iceberg.  Sara Lawrence College is where Larry Ray moved into his daughter’s dorm to form a sex-cult, recruiting his daughter's young friends. Creepy dad Larry began posing as a mentor to his daughter’s college-age friends in order to brainwash them.  This wasn't hard, since the school had a head start brainwashing these young fruitcakes. He isolated them from their families and friends, pressured them into degrading sexual scenarios, controlled what they ate and to whom they spoke, and ultimately exploited them for hundreds of thousands of dollars.Image
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