DEMOCRATS are PUSHING the idea that TARIFFS are going to SPIKE inflation? BUT, current data says they're FLAT WRONG !!

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22 Mar 2025 8:20 am
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One of the FAVORITE attacks of Liberal Democrats against Trump... is that Tariffs are INFLATIONARY?  Well, LETS THINK about that !!

American Tariffs against Foreign manufacturers and imports (When the current reality is that America pays HUGE tariffs, but Foreign governments & Manufactures DO NOT pay tariffs when their products come to America)... Tariffs WILL NOT cause inflation fro Americans... because they ONLY level the playing field !   They WILL encourage Americans to BUY more American products, OR encourage American companies to BUILD more American Products IN America, OR, cause MORE foreign companies to COME to America, to build their factories IN AMERICA to avoid tariffs... American consumers will NOT pay the tariffs on America products...NOT to mention that THAT is what drove HUNDREDS of American companies and factories OUT of America 20-30 years ago... because THEY (American companies) had to PAY tariffs to export products, and America HAD no tariffs to protect American companies AGAINST FOREIGN companies... SO. thousands of American companies eith left America, OR went OUT of BUSINESS !!  NOW, the show will be on the other foot... THIS THAT is what's ALREADY happening:

1)  American companies like Apple, and others, are investing BILLIONS of $$$ to build NEW factories in America rather than India or China.

2)  MANY foreign companies like Taiwan Semiconductor (among MANY others) have ALREADY committed TRILLIONS of $$$ to build factories in America to avoid Tariffs... Taiwan Semiconductor is ESPECIALLY HUGE, because they are the LARGEST and ONLY manufacturer of the MOST POWERFUL chips in the world, where ENTIRE Markets would be destroyed if they were impacted by a Chinese attack on Taiwan... we will NOW be building them IN America !

3)  MILLIONS of America workers will GET OFF of welfare, or be let go from the HUGE U.S. Government Bureaucracy... and HAVE profitable and useful jobs, that actually SUPPORT the American Economy rather than destroy it... AND

4) NONE of that is Inflationary, it is ALL GROWTH ORIENTED, and PRICES may actually DROP because of it...

Once Again, the Democrats are LYING... NOT telling the whole story... and trying DESPERATELY to protect the BUREAUCRATIC NIGHTMARE that THEY have created, and FIGHTING against Donald Trump who wants to RIP it OUT by the ROOTS !!

My money is on Donald trump to WIN this fight... because I KNOW America will be the better for it !!! ... our-years/ ... 025-03-03/ ... four-years ... facturing/

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22 Mar 2025 10:17 am
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Why don't they complain about other countries tariffs?
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22 Mar 2025 10:35 am
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PhiloBeddo » 21 minutes ago » wrote: Why don't they complain about other countries tariffs?
AND THAT is what they DON'T want to talk about.. When Trump talks about foreign countries being subsidized by America, THAT is what he's talking about... THEY tariff the HELL out of us... but we don't have any tariffs in response!  ...AND, what's more... what Trump is proposing are "Reciprocal Tariffs"... which in essence is that OUR tariffs will only MATCH theirs... if THEY have ZERO tariffs, then OUR tariffs will be ZERO... if THEIR tariffs are 10%... then OURS will be 10% !  WHAT could be fairer than THAT?

BUT ALSO, never talked about by the FAKE NEWS media
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22 Mar 2025 10:36 am
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PhiloBeddo » 21 minutes ago » wrote: Why don't they complain about other countries tariffs?
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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23 Mar 2025 8:50 am
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The Democrats and MOST American Presidents over the last 30 years have let this egregious practice continue... for DECADES... as China, Europe, and others have stolen American businesses, American Jobs, American Prosperity, and American self reliance... TODAY, under Donald Trump... America is fighting back !!

WHY are Democrats and the Democrat leadership (primarily) so ANTI American?  ...are they IDIOTS, or just trying to DESTROY America from within?  It's time AMERICANS make the CHOICE, from NOW and into the FUTURE...

DO WE (Americans) WANT to be the PATSIES of the world... WEAKENING ourselves, acting STUPIDLY, and LETTING other nations take advantage of us?... OR do we want America and American principles to SURVIVE?  IN-PERPETUITY ?

It's TIME to DECIDE !  The NEXT 20 years are CRITICAL !!
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