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DeezerShoove » 11 minutes ago » wrote: Let me (one last attempt) clear up that you "had a relationship" prior to these day's frictional mess, no?
You seem to know a lot about your nemesis. Likewise that person about you. History, nome sane?

You can play coy and hurt and be stalked . . .  I see a two-way street for some reason.

Kinda done with this.
Let me clear it up for ya. 

Various people have posted that @BooRadley  is @Z09  and that user was banned. In addition this user pretends to be a woman.
Various people have posted the DUMB **** doxed a member on this site. I will not name that person, for respect (duhh)
With that in mind, from the harassment and flooded inbox form the DUMB **** (I got that name from @mrkelley ) I decided to ask
the DUMB **** to step forward and address the allegations if that said DUMB **** was the banned @Z09  

DUMB **** is hiding. DUMB **** will say "no I am not Z09"  :rolleyes:  BUT too many people have identified the DUMB **** as Z09

Also, out of due respect, I don't recall asking the DUMB **** how she or he identifies.

Right now I identify as "Your Huckleberry" 
Later today? Who knows, maybe a pistachio

Updated 4 minutes ago
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