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DeezerShoove » 8 minutes ago » wrote: You said the poster had people bitching about "her".
       ...If you added to even one person drilling "her", that is ganging up. Two against one, right?
You joined the event uninvited (by the way you described it - out of mere curiosity).
Then the inbox stuff...

Plus you are maintaining that you two had NO previous history.

Is that a proper synopsis?
Only going by what you posted here. Not defending or attacking anyone.
Why you wish poison onto me with a chuckle is odd.
Bitching, aka sharing information the DUMB **** is Z09 and was banned and she is back as BooRadley
You see anyone but me drilling her? (I wouldn't touch her with a 50 foot pole).
What event?
yes, the inbox. Really pissed me off. Told the DUMB **** to STOP. Nope, she continued
Don't know this DUMB **** from the man on the moon
Well, if you don't care a banned DOXer is roaming this board and ready to DOX, let the chips fall where they may.


You ban ME, and @BooRadley  

All good? 

What say you?
Updated 4 minutes ago
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