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Cannonpointer » 51 minutes ago » wrote: In your VERY LAST POST to me, you were crying about needing to murder more Semites, you stupid old woman. 

And now you call ME the anti-Semite?

How do you remember to breath? You screech like a woman for the murder of Semitic people, while ****-fingering OTHERS about anti-Semitism.

Seriously - how the **** do you remember to breath, you hysterical old broad?
Well, here's my VERY LAST POST to you, and it contains NOTHING about needing to murder Semites:
 Yesterday, 4:13 pm
Hey stupid!
I was responding to another anti-Semite like yourself who claims the US is the worst terrorist nation in the world!  I DID NOT tell him to "love it or leave it", asshole!  I asked a very simple question, wondering why he would choose to remain in such a horrible country that houses the worst terrorism in the world, and I think it's a very valid question.

Are you now going to try to claim that there are no other allied countries that would refuse to let an American in?  Do you REALLY need me to respond to that kind of stupidity and prove that there are PLENTY of countries that are happy to allow Americans in?  And in that, I've got personal experience, since my son has been living in Japan for the past 6 years, and is a successful husband and father to my granddaughter.

So tell me.  How many times a day do you really need me to kick your dumb ***?
Why don't you do us all a favor and put down the crack pipe for a while before spewing your completely irrelevant responses to my posts?  Personally, I'd find it much easier to kick your dumb *** around when your not being such a slow-witted chucklehead.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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