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Jantje_Smit » Yesterday, 5:30 am » wrote: I don't know who Karl Childers is but he definitely isn't Boo, you should adjust your probabilities if you want to navigate through the soks and adapt to the results.. sorry, I couldn't resist that one.. lol.. but what's in the other 40%?

Here is my logic, Karl Childers was a character played by Billy Bob Thornton in a movie "Sling Blade".

Boo Radley is a charter from "To Kill a Mockingbird.

A mind can play many social roles, but a brain is dedicated to one sole person ancestrally displaced since conceived physically limited by nature to adapting daily in an ever changing form unable to create or destroy the energy sustaining the universe evolving in.

Don't debate nuance with me. I have been held hostage by humanity since birth. I have my brain intact since conceived and all you do is mind people ignoring how evolving works naturally.
Updated 5 minutes ago
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