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Today 9:20 am
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Hmm…you mean the same conservatives who hate welfare and scream about taxpayer money but happily open their wallets for Israel so Jews get free healthcare and state funded university?

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“I hate big government. Except when it comes to Israel. Big government good!” 

~ Ben Shapiro (if he ever said the quiet part out loud) 
If you are English it was over many years ago, there is no way back. 

The thing is these groups operate internationally, they use economic institutions and they immunise themselves from sanctions by operating internationally. 

The thing is the benefits, or welfare, are there because there is a real, a very real, problem for the historically English poor that concerns their degradation. 

That sounds a little histrionic but, for example, their credentials are degraded and not recognised in the labour market. 

This is an effect of the massive competition here that arises from the huge importation of labour throughout the economic structure from wealthy overseas students purchasing elite degrees to immigrants coming here at the bottom. 

All this displaces people and the poor indigenous populations have no sources of economic organisation. 

They don't have what the immigrants mobilise.  The benefits, or welfare, is to try to give them small stake.  These economies are expensive to be economically active in. 

You need resources for everything or you exist like a prisoner. 

The thing is the immigrants make state provision function in a different way, they just systematically organise to appropriate resources and recycle them as part of international capital accumulation cycles so they are bleeding resources out of the host society. 

I could go into detail but this is already long enough.  But, of course, once they get into these societies, they can operate a parallel economy across international economic spaces. 

This is why benefit fraud has become a huge industry, pursued by criminal gangs that are made a "home" for through immigration.  It is a catastrophe and will be, cross-generationally. 
Updated 3 minutes ago
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