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21 Sep 2024 11:10 am
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1,538 posts
They're finished if we get through this.

Younger Americans have no interest in Israel. They don't care about the Holocaust; they are brown people from the 3rd world whose great-great-grandfather was eating berries somewhere in Peru or Bolivia or Africa in 1940. This is not their concern. This is, for them, whypipo stuff and as such, will cease to have any importance as soon as the Boomers and early Gen Xers have been stuffed into discount crematoria in Florida.

 "Si senor aqui es tu padre." (It's actually the ashes he's kept in a Coke can for the past week.)
The downfall of the US is glorious. I love it. I love being around morons and watching them struggle to comprehend reality, like cavemen in 2024.

 Why dose brown people walk over border like dat, dat illegal!

 Why dat guy kill five kids and no jail?

 Why I go jail for Facebook post? Dis America. I have free speech! Wat gibs?
Anti-Semite? Oh no! That hurts.

 And, well, I'm sorry, but we know what the IDF has been doing to Palestinians in the prisons, so the **** thing is a little dated now. You boys love to **** Muslims all night long.

”You [Jews] love to **** Muslims [esp LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS] all night long.”


Conservatives = RETARDED RETARDS

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