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Yesterday 11:51 pm
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Cannonpointer » Today, 8:54 pm » wrote: Food stamps are a perfect example. The program is not run by social services but be the Department of AGRICULTURE. This department is a captured office belonging to big ag, and food stamps are a giveaway to agribusiness. 

Food stamp "recipients" are not the intended beneficiaries. Nor are they the ACTUAL beneficiaries. Big Ag is the beneficiary. And fast food joints are lobbying to get in on the program, which amounts to more than 100 billion in giveaways.

Many of the billions in benefits are sold at half price for drug money, and the working and middle class purchasers of the benefits use them to up the QUALITY of their diets, since quantity was never an issue. So they buy high end **** - which is where big ag makes the most profits. 

Meanwhile, the moneys from honest labor that the original snap recipients receive goes to buy drugs, which enriches the bankers and their leash-dogs in the DEA and CIA.
Food stamps is BARE MINIMUM the rent seeking / parasite economy needs to keep recycling the dollars. 

Otherwise the music stops. You can’t have a “game of Monopoly” if every player but one passes Go and doesn’t even get to collect $200. 

This is why I said conservatives are retarded, I could explain this to a > 115 MIDDLE schooler who hasn’t been corrupted by politics and they would understand my point. 
Updated 2 minutes ago
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