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maineman » Yesterday, 1:49 pm » wrote: whose pockets do the tariffs come out of?
China's, or whoever buys goods from the US pays a tariff to the US.

I know you're going to claim that the cost will simply be added to the price for consumers to pay, and that has some validity.  However the determinate cost still derives from the competition and what other countries are charging for the same goods.
The difference is that with the hundreds of billions that the tariff brings in, the easier it is to cut taxes for our country, as Trump will do.  And that's far better than Kameltoe's plan to put huge new taxes directly on US businesses which will raise prices here to the consumer and force Americans to buy the cheaper imports, costing the US even more jobs as business owners leave the country to take advantage of the lower labor costs in China or India.  And don't discount how such new taxes crush the stock market and continue to result in higher inflation rates, while our trade deficit skyrockets.

Ah, but we know you don't give a **** about that, do you?
After all, you were ready to eagerly vote for the demented, addle-brained puppet president DESPITE him giving us the highest inflation rate in over 40 years, right?
Updated 3 minutes ago
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