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SouthernFried » 20 Sep 2024, 8:59 pm » wrote: Who do you view as more destructive? The average black, or the western white liberal? My vote goes for the western white liberal.
 White Guilt Libs are definitely the chimp enablers and coddlers.
Most WGLs have never had to live among high concentrations of their Pet Monkeys.
One of the very first things Biden did was to abolish the Annual Violent Crime Report Sorted By Race ....FBI Table 43A [that shows Blacks leading the way with 50% of all murder year after year]
The [[[MSM]]] is under strict orders to never report race unless the suspect is White.
The agenda is clear and it's the [[[JWO]]] that has been behind this ever since they established the NAACP over 100 years ago...

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