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Deezer Shoove » 20 Sep 2024, 12:44 pm » wrote: Interesting stuff.
4+ years later and the "testing" is showing bad results.
Many millions of failed test subjects attest to this.

A "normal" vaccine test cycle is about 5-10 years so next year we'll finally know... :ninja:  

I dodged horrible effects . . . so far.
Having no ego to protect (like a doctor after giving **** professional advice), I am wholly on the side of the skeptics now. I am quite sure there are a few others like me. ;)  
Silent majority governed by people that won't accept life naturally adapting to space for the time they get since conceived. Everyone separates conceived to birth as separate from dead to decomposed when occupying space uniquely here after conceived to replace 30 relatives that lived in last 2 centuries 16 great great grandparent generation lived decades before 8 great grandparents were added, lived another 20 years until 4 grandparent generation arrives for another 20 years parenting generation matures after birth delivering each great great grandchild born each rotation forward now.

Please explain to me how this process is separated from rest of the native food chain in this unique universal location perpetually balancing in this specific galaxy, solar system, atmosphere geographically here, geometrical numbers per rotation, geologically present DNA streaming chromosomes used against anyone in a court of law not staying true to their adopted character role since birth?

I was corrupted by humanity since birth same as all other 8.2 billion alive today. I am the only male being honest about life evolving here now. I am not an ally to self deception, but everyone honoring self deception justifies eliminating anyone not compliant to pretending life isn't self evident.

so original sin is the ongoing final conflict in every alternate reality saving humanity since history of people leading ancestries to never accept life as adapting when displaced daily.

Motive, methods, means, tomorrow, mayhem, madness, misery falls on anyone not complying to people honoring hope, faith, charity, rank gets privileges, power, wealth, fame comes to those multiplying people never accepting time adapting here now.

Duality of bipolar disfunction being what reasonable doubt fosters every generation gap lived last 7,000 years languages control conversations about what is best for last arrivals born today.
The emotional sense of urgency every brain has adapting in space comes from navigating time uniquely left alive now.
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