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Yesterday 6:58 pm
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Fuelman » Today, 4:21 pm » wrote: Again, the author of that statement is a little out there connecting US Military aid (bought in the USA) and Israel having socialized health care. There are no doubt idiots who think these funds are fungible. Progressive hillbillies crack me up. Does a very small percentage of that "transfer" payment make it's way into the health care system? Possibly so.

Couple of interesting items I came across:
The Jews created the "General Sick Fund" in 1912 under the Workers Party (German Jews I believe). Must be in their DNA or God Thingy to look after their own.
The current healthcare system in Israel has been rolling since 1995.  Sounds like it has been difficult to provide services on a tight budget. They currently spend roughly 8% of GDP on healthcare, the US is over 17%.

Israel has a Gini coefficient of .38, the US is .47 .
Israel only has 2.7% of the adult population that have a net worth of $1 million (high taxes tend to do that), the US is 8%.

I suppose somebody has to be the scape goat and the Jews seem to be a hot topic lately.
Does anyone ever think about the other $59 billion in transfers to all the other countries around the world?  I would venture to say the death toll is much greater in those countries than what is going on in Israel.

I guess I should count my blessings I'm not Jewish.
Tbh, I don't see why health care in Israel is a significant subject. Jews just control every aspect of what the us government does.
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