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Yesterday 7:53 am
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LowIQTrash » Today, 12:06 am » wrote: I believe his point is that this extra military aid helps free up Israel’s state funds to be directed toward their domestic programs. It’s like if a friend or family member helped you pay your monthly grocery bills. Your discretionary spending power would go up.

Yes, Jews take care of their own…I daresay a very ingrained mentality.

Military expenditures are massive in Israel…for obvious reasons.
Sure,  and I bet this same person cashed those Covid stimulus checks but this is different because someone else is getting the benefit. It works out to about $425 per person per year for Israeli population. Suppose they could pony up and come up with the extra $4 billion a year but they still have to have a place to purchase the military hardware.

Interesting conversation. I have nothing for or against the Jews. It appears quite a few people feel they are being manipulated by .2% of the world's population. It's very entertaining!
Updated 5 minutes ago
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