Today 10:03 am
Giant Slayer
12,485 posts
Zeets2 » 11 minutes ago » wrote: Two things. 

First, I believe with 100% certainty in UFOs and how aliens have interacted with the earth.
The book that convinced me was the original publication of Incident at Exeter, where a New Hampshire couple was abducted by aliens and given complete physicals in 1965.  That date is critically important, because being put under hypnosis to reveal their abduction, Betty Hill revealed that the aliens inserted a needle into her abdomen causing her significant pain.  When she inquired what was being done to her, the alien explained to her that it was a pregnancy test, which we now know as amniocentesis, a method not fully developed or used in this country prior to the 1970's.  The original book I read is out of print, but there are now several others detailing their ordeal, but the question remains how a person could have known about and experienced this test over 15 years before it was developed here.

Secondly, few people are aware of the fact that the first practical use of the binary system in computers was actually developed by an Italian weaver named Jean le Calabrais in the 15th century to create a Jacquard loom, which enables a loom to weave intricate designs in fabric.  I learned how to weave and how to diagram and program the jacquard "punch cards" at an early age in my father's textile mill at the age of 12.  The holes inserted in specific patterns on the cards would mesh with rows of metal pins on a wooden chain to create the pattern.  The length of the cards and chains varied from about a foot long to several feet, depending on the intricacy of the pattern. 

Thought you might find both stories interesting.

Definitely interesting. I believe the binary system was used prior to your example. Though it just wasn't as useful as the example you gave. 
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