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maineman » 45 minutes ago » wrote: China is the only game in town.  Do you think that GE will blithely pivot and start getting their dishwashers from Poland or Angola or Eritrea?  maybe they'll import their refrigerators from Iceland instead... and they can get all of their microwaves from Micronesia!   Image   Image  

The fact remains tariffs are ultimately paid by US consumers, and companies that sell appliances from some other country other than China will inevitably marginally raise their own prices to increase their profit margin further sticking it to the American buyer.  China is not getting screwed and, if they are marginally impacted, it pales in comparision to the inflation of prices that we will shoulder ALONE.

from your post:

"Chinese suppliers do shoulder SOME of the cost of U.S. tariffs in INDIRECT ways. Exporters SOMETIMES, for instance, are forced to offer U.S. importers a discount to help defray the costs of higher U.S. duties. Chinese companies MIGHT also lose business IF U.S. importers find another tariff-free source of the same goods outside China."

LOADED WITH WEASEL WORDS!   Image   Image   Image
Once again, you expose how little you know about a subject despite your attempts to profess your phony expertise on the subject.

Quite simply, China IS NOT the only game in town, you moron!
Are you unaware that LG has been manufacturing in India for over 20 years?
Or that Whirlpool, Haier, Siemen's, Carrier, and Panasonic all have appliance manufacturing in India as well?
Or that Samsung has manufacturing facilities in both So. Korea and India?
Or that Siemen's also has them in Germany?
Or that Mitsubishi and many others manufacture appliances in Japan?
Need I go on?

Now, are you so economically ignorant that you don't believe that EVERY business owner who finds that his source for imports now costs him significantly more, and will then seek out alternatives to avoid that new tariff?  What business experience do YOU have to dismiss such an obvious reality out of hand?

Obviously, it's only myopic dopes like you who hate Trump that are most susceptible to the biased **** you're fed at CNN, and you would never bother to mistrust those intentional lies you're told if it fits with your idiotic agenda to help promote the lies and ignorance of Kamaltoe!
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