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Yesterday 11:42 am
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maineman » 20 Sep 2024, 3:52 pm » wrote: You initially said that I thought that way.

I called you a liar.

You backpedalled and said that I support politicians who do think that.

I asked you to name one, and YOU named Harris.

Put up or shut the **** up.

Wrong. please show where I said Harris loves kiddie drag queen hour. Do you deny that she loves Drag Queens (as long as they give her money)? Do you deny that she said not only do we need to be "woke", but even "woker" ? I said YOU support Democraps, and many Democraps think Kiddie Drag hour is great. YOU claim that you don't support it and the majority of Democraps don't support it, but yet YOU do NOTHING to stop it. In other words YOU are nothing more than a sheep/lemming.  Silence=Acquiesces.
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