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Yesterday 12:53 pm
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Zeets2 » 41 minutes ago » wrote: ****!
You've got a one-dimensional mindset of how Trump's tariffs have affected our international trade.
If a country like China is hit with new tariffs as they were under Trump, importers have switched suppliers and are now importing the same finished products from Mexico instead of China, and China has been relegated to merely selling some parts for those products they previously assembled themselves when they were able to ship finished products to the US.

Isn't that exactly what I said, nitwit?

So tell me now, genius.
You still don't think that Trump's tariffs have cost China anything despite the fact that they have now been surpassed by Mexico who has become our largest trading partner?

Maybe cars from Mexico that are made by Mexicans who stole Detroit jobs... but appliances still are made predominantly in China... and the consumer pays the tab for tariffs on them.  You may force China to rework its assembly process to include other nations, but the inevitable cost increases on products in a tariff scenario are ALWAYS borne by the consumer and the importing business, not the exporter upon whom the tariffs are levied.  The GOP used to stand for free trade.  WTF happened?  Oh, never mind. I know the answer, they turned in their spines when they were kidnapped by the clown:rofl:  
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