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jerra b
Yesterday 12:56 pm
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Zeets2 » Today, 8:55 am » wrote: America bears NONE of it, but of course, ignorant libs like yourself ALWAYS prefer to blame the victim rather than the oppressor.

That "70+ years of oppression" has always been in retaliation for 70+ years of random missile and rocket attacks coming from Hamas and Hezbollah!  And every defense of their own country by Israel is easily justified as a result.

Why can't you admit that the only reason you don't like it when Israel goes on the offensive to stop those attacks is because you simply hate Jews?
Zeets2 » Today, 7:55 am » wrote: 
Today, 7:55 am
America bears NONE of it, but of course, ignorant libs like yourself ALWAYS prefer to blame the victim rather than the oppressor.////////////
I proved my point asshole.
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