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Fuelman » 21 Sep 2024, 11:01 am » wrote: One thing is for sure, these programs haven't really moved the needle for reducing poverty.

The poverty rate was 11.9% in 1972 and 11.5% in 2022. The rate has hovered between 11% – 14% for 50 years. We have made lives more comfortable for 50 years but haven’t lowered the poverty rate.
I missed this post so let me address this, because your take is severely flawed.

1) The federal poverty rate is laughable based on their income thresholds, so I would take the Census’ numbers with a heaping pile of salt, just as I do with every number pumped out from the BLS - Bureau of Lies and Sh*t.

2) “We’ve had welfare for decades and the poverty rate hasn’t changed, therefore it must be ineffective.”

You cannot draw this conclusion because welfare and poverty is a complex subject. There’s a reason multivariate regression analysis exists in statistics and natural sciences.

The goal of “welfare” - at least in the US - is to keep those who are poor from sliding into extreme poverty, not to lift people out of it. Aside from disability benefits, I HIGHLY doubt any “welfare” payment even covers actual expenses (e.g. food stamps are around $300 / month but grocery bills are easily $350-450 / month per person if you eat healthier foods and not ramen noodles 2x a day)
Maybe @Cannonpointer  can chime in since I rarely meet or talk with poor people, I just know by doing the MATH that “welfare” is certainly not designed to lift anyone out of poverty 
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