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LowIQTrash » Today, 9:32 am » wrote: A strong and robust economy has always been the #1 source of poverty reduction. Welfare has, to the best of my knowledge, had a mildly positive impact on “poverty reduction” - or as I stated earlier - kept people out of extreme poverty. 

Luckily for so called “fiscal conservatives,” the tap is running dry so they will get their wish soon…I’m just curious if they will abide the consequences or bitch about it down the line…

Desperate people will do desperate things…you might want to consult your parents or grandparents’ stories during the Great Depression.

When welfare was almost non existent  Image
Absolutely! The tap is running dry and some would add on socialized medicine and free college.

If paying one trillion a year in interest on the debt isn't worth bitching about than I don't know what is.

Careful what you wish for which brings us back to the comment I was poking at in the first place.

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My days of the high household income are over so it really doesn't matter to us. If people want to vote in those additional benefits, at least know how much it will cost your household. It ain't going to be pretty especially if you have a higher income.

I have heard several stories from older relatives about the Great Depression.  My grandparents parents were farmers in Southwest Kansas and being as rural as rural can be endured much hardship. 
This map shows their farms were smack dab in the Dust Bowl days during the depression.

https://education.nationalgeographic.or ... dust-bowl/

One side of the family lost their farm. Grandma's side came across some considerable LUCK!

"In 1922, natural gas was discovered in southwestern Kansas, but it was not until the 1930s that construction of major pipelines encouraged development of the Hugoton Gas Area, one of the largest natural gas fields in the world"

The farm financials show that one natural gas well paid off the farm in two years. All these years later that farm financially supplements multiple generations and that well is still producing. This is part of the luck I have mentioned.

Worst case scenario, we have a place to go camp out if things get really bad.
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