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Yesterday 12:04 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Beekeeper » 30 minutes ago » wrote: You aren't smart, DICKSUCKER!! Never were and never will be.

SIMPLE FACT is, Mazars RAN from this since they didn't want to be caught up in an INDICTMENT and also be found liable for Leticia's ****. PERIOD!!

And the OTHER simple fact is, YOU CAN'T PROVE OTHERWISE!!

Sucks, huh??

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Mazars said it concluded that the statements were no longer reliable based in part on the attorney general’s earlier filings, its own investigations and information the accountants received from “internal and external sources.” The letter added that Mazars “performed its work in accordance with professional standards.”...

The firm also disclosed that, while compiling the information for Mr. Trump, it had “become aware of departures from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.”

Accounting Firm Cuts Ties With Trump and Retracts Financial Statements ... roid-share

Lying imbecile.

Updated 3 minutes ago
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