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Yesterday 5:47 pm
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108 posts
Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 11:38 pm » wrote: The people who call themselves liberals now believe they know better how to raise other people's children than the parents do. They believe firmly in sexualizing other people's children, endowing them with sexual agency, and interfering with the custody of children whose parents object to them being gaslighted and granted sexual agency. 

They cheer for wars and proxy wars and other aggressions by the state. They support the establishment. They endorse censorship. They believe that democracy is feeble and must be rescued, that truth cannot stand if lies are allowed, and the state should be the arbiter of one's personal reality. 

They claim dominion over their neighbors' bodies, in the name of "public health." They believe people should have their rights decided based on the color of their skin. They believe in attainders of blood and corruption of blood. Whose ancestors were guilty of a thing, they believe, are themselves guilty of that thing, through their blood. 

They are precisely the opposite of a 1960s liberal - in each and every measure.
Right.   And that's how come I'm not voting democrat.  
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