31stArrival » 29 Jan 2025, 4:19 pm » wrote: ↑
Better yet in preschool or the old Headstart program, if the children haven't learned their alphabet by 1st grade or cannot answer how life evolves daily, they repeat first grade until they do.
Academia has to stop training ancestors in the art of self deception daily. Religions nee to be honest about genetics actually liming life to adapting as dispalced daily. Economics must explain compounding chromosomes before defining compounding interest in monetary investments of equal opportunities to earn a living with artificial knowledge to keep the supply and demand working for every ancestral lineage each generaitongap forward daily.
Clocks and clendars are necessary to keep the supply lines matching genertions added one at a time.
there is no reason inflation ever happens anymore than deflation of a currency. Always limit income tax revenues to same compounding rates each ancestor earns in their own saving accounts. this would remoe the necessity for medicare and social security taxes since each person would be resposible to create their own retirement since income taxes won't exceed the current rate on passbook savings.
That 10% or more drop on income tax per paycheck could then go to their personal IRA, or company funded 401k, or what ever the individual does to sav that money to live off of when they reach the age to allow added generations gaps to earn a living their previous generationgaps did to sustain society as a whole current populaiton in plainsight.
Middle class ancestral lineages is grandparents being the level playing field between 16 great great grandparent gap and arriving great great grandchild not old enough to work for a living supported by generation gaps 2, 3, 4 keeping the supply working for all 5 living same day ech rotation forward now.