1) HUNDREDS of UN-necessary and frivolous expenditures,
2) Supported entities that WERE, and ARE NOT, in America's best interests, but ALSO
3) May have acted as a slush fund for the "liberal left" to funnel money into GOD KNOWS what illegal and UN-ethical RAT HOLES !!
THEN, ADD to that the OVERT, and BRAZEN, REFUSAL to be subject to ANY oversight, by any RESPONSIBLE government representatives... and OFTEN, acting as if they were IMMUNE from ANY oversight, and protected by entities HIGH within the government... makes this EXACTLY the type of SWAMP MONSTER that Donald Trump SAID he would ROOT OUT, and is following thru on his promises.
Democrats are SQUEALING about "all the humanitarian activities that are being impacted by it's closure"... WELL, the Democrats MAY WELL have included some humanitarian elements... THAT they could subsequently USE as "political cover" if this BOONDOGGLE were EVER to be Uncovered.... HOWEVER, to get to the BOTTOM of this CESSPOOL... it needed to be SHUT DOWN, and SHUT OUT of any meddling by the "staff", of files and computers... before the investigation is completed...
Note: One 30 year contractor with the USAid organization... is ON RECORD saying THAT: "it has been an uncontrolled, corrupt, where questionable funding was being authorized, for ALL of his/her 30 years !!
IT IS GOOD that Elon Musk is RIPPING this RATS NEST out by the ROOTS... AND, Lets SEE where the roots lead !!