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7 Feb 2025 5:57 pm
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2,716 posts
You KNOW the BIGGEST difference between Democrats and Republicans?...

Democrats LOVE to talk about WHO in America IS NOT paying "their fair share of taxes"... and want EVERYONE to PAY MORE, and ALL ASSUME that ALL tax dollars are being COMPLETELY appropriately SPENT, and THEY want to spend MORE!!    HOWEVER, they HATE it when ANYONE talks about how America's TAX dollars are being MISS SPENT...

Republicans are EXACTLY the opposite... THEY want to KNOW IF Taxpayer dollars ARE being appropriately spent, and want to VERIFY IF it is, OR IF is NOT !!   AND, IF taxpayers money is NOT being well spent, that the Taxpayers SHOULD NOT be taxed MORE, BUT that the wasteful spending should be CANCELLED... responsible people should be questioned, and IF TRUE, the people RESPONSIBLE for the wasteful spending SHOULD BE PUNISHED !!

WE are NOW finding out the TRUTH... and that the Democrats view of Washington is TOTALLY and UTTERLY WRONG !!  Democrats need to WAKE UP, because THEIR world is CRASHING in around them, and if they are not careful... THEY will soon in the crosshairs of American Justice... MANDATED by "We the People"... and ITS NOT going got be good... for DEMOCRATS !!!
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