JohnnyYou » Today, 3:09 am » wrote: ↑
I admit I only got through three minutes before Mrs said NOPE! But I have been hearing the phrase Quantum Immortality more and more. If we are already immortal it's going to be a monkey wrench brain surgery blow to Islamic-Christian- Judeo Triangle of Doom.
Yeah I am with you on the consciousness required for the universe to exist. Zero is Zero and Pi is Pi if nothing else exists. Math does not require a consciousness to exist. It does need one to understand it.
Thanks for trying Deez. Yeah I could use some other shyt to engage in dialogue about nowwadays...
The weird thing is how, as you alluded, immortality for some people is the very reason to believe in God.
Since there doesn't seem to be any conscious knowledge of past lives, then why is that so **** important?
If our souls are immortal and ONE slip up dooms us to hell for eternity, then we're all going to hell eventually.
For sure after a couple hundred "lives", one is bound to be a complete asshole (we're all sinners, ya know).
Please seat yourself.
I like the very things you hate.