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14 Feb 2025 10:26 am
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2,632 posts
Vegas » 10 minutes ago » wrote: You are probably right. However, it's the industries job to keep up and adapt with the changes. They knew this was coming, but they did nothing.
I don't know... The buildings were already financed in early 2020, and COVID came out of no where... THEN, peoples work routine changed almost over night !  Now, LOTS of those financial agreements are coming due, the buildings are empty... so what are the owners to do?  It could be that many just walk away, and the banks get them back (bad for them AND the banks who will sell at pennies on the dollar).. UNLESS something changes.  It's really no ones "fault"... just bad luck !

We just have to wait & see if the "Back to work" initiative starts to gain traction !
Updated 4 minutes ago
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