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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 5:30 pm
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Skans » Today, 12:34 pm » wrote: To do away with BATFE, you would need to do away with the National Firearms Act.  I'm all for this.  Machine guns silencers, etc. should be treated like ordinary guns. Easy to purchase for adult citizens who are not violent convicted felons.

Also, tobacco is not really what it was in the past.  Alcohol should be regulated on a state-by-state basis.  And, explosives can also be regulated and controlled by individual states.

The main thing BATFE does is administer the National Firearms Act and subsequent laws restricting our gun rights.  It is an agency set up specifically to violate the 2nd Amendment - infringe on gun rights of "the people".

So do-gooder assholes prohibit alcohol...
People, of course, do NOT stop drinking.

Opportunity to make money creates criminal organizations big and violent enough to warrant-
    you guessed it:  The National Firearms Act.

Prohibition is mercifully repealed and, of course, the National Firearms Act is not.
Shades of the Commerce Clause, folks (probably the most misused set of laws and regs out there).
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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