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31st Arrival
Today 9:19 am
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When you stop spending revenues on things made up that don't exist naturally, there is more left to cover the costs of adapting here now. When ancestors carry their own weigh of occupying time 24/7, every rotation stays in balance with living eternally separated since conceived.

Natural perpetual motion working in compounding results, each part is equally timed apart when inhabiting space so far as an individual ever changing form shaped by periodic elements sustaining ancestral lineages inhabiting space so far.

How many types of movements become the total sum of universal motion never duplicating details to results never same total sum twice per position inhabiting space currently here as a whole is equal to total sum of all its parts now.

Reality is the logistics of adapting as displaced since arrived a combination of previous results, current events, details added forward so far. Evolving is the process in motion, evolution is the results that was and is current events evolving in series parallel time regardless universal position here now.

Self evident to any brain navigating between everything else beyond their time adapting to life never same results again. History is creating reasons to defy the natural time alive being successful because of vocabulary became rule of law artificially typecasting ancestral lineages and "we the people" not I am only part of an ancestral lineage living eternally separated now.

Understand your time alive and you don't need to pretend life is more than what it became now. How to correct corruption without eliminating everyone else in the process.

Instinctive honesty vs misleading realities governing tomorrows 2 factual days each rotation dawn to dusk 7 days a week 52 weeks a year regardless the year consists of 365 rotations or 366 every 4th year.

Instinctive Honesty vs intellectual Artificial Intelligence induced by academia, arts, economics, politics, spiritualism, social consensus between all 5 ancestral lineages and each of their 5 generation gaps lived so far believing life cannot be limiting ancestors to eternally separated now.

The history of "What people are willing to do in any village promising better tomorrows if everyone believes now isn't eternity.

Means, motives, methods, using mayhem, madness, misery, to created hope, faith, charity, power of suggestion, wealth by charging rent on each ancestor naturally timed part daily here, fame in history recording those leading generations to accept the ideas now isn't eternity.

New World Order not honoring Natural Origin since conceived between event horizons of ancestral lineages inception to extinction of ancestral positions not adding great great grandchildren daily anymore.

I keep it this simple with my so called gibberish describing chromosomes chronologically here accounting for the entire global population of all 5 ancestral lineages arrived with inception.

Black, brown, yellow, red, white, all hybrid combinations between. 16, 8, 4, 2, each great great grandchild, 1 of 2 parents, one of 4 grandparents, 1 of 8 great grand parents, 1 of 16 great great grandparents spanning 9 generation gaps.

Now many years on average does that flow work without vernacular tribalism micro-managing people throughout history so far, now? I use a simple 20 year average cycle between conception and becoming 1 of 2 parents for simplicity. 9 x 20 = 180 years. Not every ancestor becomes a parent. Not every parent becomes a grandparent or outlives their children. Not every grandparent becomes a great grandparent or outlives their great grandchildren.

Evolving has no mercy, nor forgiveness just sustains the numbers living daily here each living eternally separated since conceived.. Just like civic minds governing tomorrows.

No society in history honored this yet.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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