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3 Mar 2025 8:46 am
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Sumela » Yesterday, 9:37 pm » wrote: Russia has won
WASH DC has lost.

Trump is just the surrender puppet.
DREAM ON... For a "Russia" that 3 years ago wanted to control NATO, and grow it's footprint in Europe... by taking control of a relatively weak Ukraine... TODAY... ALL they have succeeded in doing is:

1)  Pushing Sweden and Finland INTO NATO !
2)  Unified NATO in general !
3)  Pushed NATO countries to up their military expenditures from close to nothing, 5% of GDP !
4)  Showed the WORLD JUST how PATHETIC the Russian military really is !
5)  Russia's economy in ABSOLUTE SHAMBLES !
6)  HAVE LOST 1/3 of it's navy, to a country WITHOUT a navy !
7)  HAVE LOST close to 10,000 Tanks !
8)  HAVE LOST GOD KNOWS how many artillery and APC's
9)  HAVE LOST Dozens of their best Jets ! 
10)  HAVE LOST near 1 Million soldiers !  and...
11)  China seems to be Russia's "master" these days !!!

AND, as for America?  Joe Biden is gone, the American corrupt Government is being overhauled under Trump, the American military has lost NOTHING and is ONLY growing STRONGER, Taking control of China's attempts to out maneuver the U.S.A. (in Panama, Greenland, Taiwan, and the China Sea), NATO taking on MORE responsibility in Europe and growing their military...

If THAT's "Winning"... ALL the more reason why Russia should want this war to end... because THAT is EMBARRASSING !!

Updated 4 minutes ago
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