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Deezer Shoove » Yesterday, 5:59 pm » wrote: You really don't know anything.
...and so needy.
You cannot preach about evolving without realizing you haven't changed in the slightest in all years you've been typing the same ridiculous tripe.

Evolve? Yeah, good idea. Try it sometime.
ha ha ha ha ha. Understanding anything evolving doesn't require knowing everything imaginable. Reasonable doubt doesn't define actual time something is inhabiting space per cycle spontaneously here simultaneously as everything universally present now simultaneously different at the same time universally present in ever changing form specifically inhabiting space occupying time here.

Between fiction and fantasy, yesterday, today, tomorrow 7 days a week, 24 hours a day evolving leaves nothing existing the same details twice so far.

I am only discussing periodic element characteristics of 119 characters that sustain universal objects inhabiting space so far.

Need I do the organic results developing after erosion into actual generation gaps of ancestral lineages present and accountable total sum past and current events leaving nothing of everything the same twice now. Evolving is a process taking place naturally timing ancestors apart sharing space as completed evolution cycles adapting uniquely here 24/7 intellectual time actual timing is just adapting in space now.

What do I need to know to correct corrutpion directing human behavior cradle to grave? Living doesn't exceed adapting forward now.
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