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Yesterday 8:26 am
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Cannonpointer » 13 minutes ago » wrote: I want you to really, really think about that statement. I mean REALLY - not a once over. Do a deep mental dive on that statement, and ask yourself if you should care - and if so, why?

Observe your assumptions in arriving at your conclusion, and question them against a hundred years of evidence. 

We have a medical research establishment so incredibly powerful that it can develop not one, but FOUR patented vaccines for a novel corona virus in a SINGLE YEAR. Clearly, such a prodigious set of institutions could have cured cancer since 1913, when the american cancer society (and the creature form jekyll island) was born into our midst. 

Ask yourself - in your adult voice - what would happen to anyone who cured cancer. And ask yourself if anyone from the "pediatric cancer research community" is sucking your dick on the regular, that you should give a ****. Because what they AIN'T **** DOING is curing pediatric cancer.
I took your advice 

and you are right

**** um

it can’t be fixed

out with the bath water
Updated less than a minute ago
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