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10 Mar 2025 9:13 pm
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Cannonpointer » 13 minutes ago » wrote: Yep. And best the poor little fez-doffing Capuchin can come up with is that "Trump is gonna take all Putin's ****."

That is his fig leaf, now that his entire thesis about Putin being destroyed by Ukraine has been shot to ****. 

He cannot say HOW Trump is going to eat Putin's lunch. It is CERTAINLY not how he originally claimed it would happen. But we're just supposed to all shuck and grin and knee slap and hyuk and say, "Yew jiss watch - Trump's about to pull a fass one on Vladimir."

He is a sad little fella. He just HAS to defend Obama and Biden - HAS to cosign their foreign policy. He cannot stop himself. His gears got ground smooth by the contradiction of American presidents being in the wrong and a Russian president being in the right - representing HIS national interests, while our presidents represented globalist interests.

His brain pan lacks the girth, my friend.
Yes Sir, they are ALL old burned out cold warriors.

Pure Neocon >>> the world is evil, America and Israel are holy.

Messianic Americana.
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