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Yesterday 9:04 am
Yesterday 9:04 am
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1,580 posts
31stArrival » Today, 5:40 am » wrote: Paths of least intellectual resistance is obeying social consensus cradle to grave is punish anyone questioning reasonable doubt daily. Spawned Devil's Advocates pushing truth by theories and theologies every generation gap forward as greater tomorrows arrive each rotation nobody knew why now is eternity.

Pledge of allegiance to the idea character matters more than honestly navigating space equally alive since conceived so far.

This applies to everyone alive in this atmosphere and I am no exception or exemption.

This site went to a different server that limits the volume of data flow per person logged onto the site. so to allow more people online they had to restrict posts to 4,000 characters per post. Shame your brain didn't figure that out.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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