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Yesterday 9:05 am
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31stArrival » Today, 5:21 am » wrote: whole lot less than you are asking to have other people's mother suck your dick with their rectum.

You won't accept all you been since a fertilize cell adapting in plain sight since conceived living eternally separated so far following a social consensus used within this species for over 7,000 years of recorded history of genetic outcomes left as 8.14 billion sole reproductions inhabiting space one at a time now.

Chromosomes don't lie. Ancestors do and the original sin of mankind is self deception cradle to grave within each ancestral lineage alive today.

See what happens to you when you disagree with everyone compromising with agreeing to disagree now is eternity. I started doing this in 1982 in a civilized manner accepting I would be cast aside by everyone I ever knew.

1. constant ridicule if I discuss what I navigate in plain sight.

2. shunned by my own family and friends unless I stay loyal to family traditions and social consensus of we.

3. exiled when I won't change my thinking to a franchise of humanity.

4. boycotted from working in any sort of economic theory keeping reality real.

5. My lack of social pride keeps me frustrated as hell while alive.

6. I understand how genetics eternally separates every reproduction native to this atmosphere past and current events.

7. Factual days of the week foster reasonable doubt since dawn of civilization within this species and its basic 5 ancestral lineages after inception to this atmosphere.

8. seasonal shifts of 4 seasons opposite one another each rotation of the planet each side of the equator daily. Dawn and dusk never meet because each is opposite edge of day and night on a rotating planet revolving around a star 365,365,365, 366 days an intellectual year.

9. Humanity is the Great Satan regardless the franchise of we believe now isn't eternity.

0-9 gates of Hell.
Babbling bung biting bitch boi.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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