Excellent article..you will get no facts to refute the article from the losers on here. Maybe questions from Mary (always is), but nothing of substance
BUT... Just STOP and think what Nader is saying:
1) Nader calls the OLD Democrat Party... the "New Deal-type Democrats".. which could be more accurately described as Marxist-Socialist Democrats... where labor unions rule (i.e. the workers), at the expense of the entrepreneurs that CREATE the businesses, companies, and corporations... which CREATE the jobs FOR the workers... AND, Historically, Socialism has NOT been very successful, AT EITHER, "CREATING the jobs" for the workers, OR, "CREATING the Governments" under which Workers can live, work or prosper, and they ALWAYS seem to morph into Totalitarian Police States... where the "workers" (i.e. the People) suffer.
2) The CORPORATE Democrat Party that Nader says he believes the "New Deal-type Democrats" have turned into... Democrats who are NO LONGER tied to the "Workers" but seem to be MORPHING into the EXACT SAME Socialism, THAT has is NOT very successful, AT EITHER, "CREATING the jobs" for the workers, OR, "CREATING the Governments" under which Workers can live, work & prosper, and ALWAYS seems to morph into a Totalitarian Police State, at the end of the process... where the "workers" (i.e. the People) suffer.
3) I think Naders comments are an ADMISSION that the OLD Democrat Party IS NO MORE... BUT, has MORPHED, into something that is approaching the governments of Russia, China, and ALL the other nations on earth that have turned to "Socialism", but are NOW Totalitarian Police States, ruled by a Dictator, and have NO IDEA how to run a successful Nation, of do it for the benefit of their PEOPLE !!
I think Nader's words, in addition to the brief history lesson (above), is EXACTLY why WE (America) need to move AWAY from Socialism (in ANY FORM), and to Protect & Cherish our Democratic Republic, and EMBRACE what Donald Trump is tying to do to PUT America BACK on the RIGHT TRACK... IN SPITE of what the Democrat Party is trying to do to STOP HIM... MAINTAIN their POWER, and ROT that it will bring !