*GHETTOBLASTER » 45 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Should a college campus be a place for non students and non citizens to not just protest but to also issue physical threats...?
That's what some of the accusations are.
I want our colleges to be used strictly for learning and not to ne used as a political stage.
If the school disagrees and wants their campus to be used as a political battlefield and a safe haven for masked radicals to issue physical threats to others, then I think something should be done about that.
That's where free speech has gone too far....
He was here legally with a green card and a student visa
Colleges SHOULD be hotbeds for dissent and free speech.
Especially when America is funding a country that murdered 100,000 women in children.
Trump is owned by the Zionists. Example....he despises Lil Marco and made fun
of him incessantly for YEARS. And suddenly Lil Marco is SOS?
LOL....Lil Marco's owner for his entire political career....Zionist billionaire Paul Singer.