Look its a bad situation all around.
The Conflict is basically stalemate along the front lines..
Both are buried in trenches firimg artillery and drone bombings.
Both Ukraine and Russia have over a million casulties and both are running outta young men send 2 the front lines.
Now in recent history our wars were mostly done airforce we just bomb the crap outta them then put boots on the ground shake out the guerillas ..
Russia/Ukraine War something more like WW1/WW2
Even the Pentagon is starting to realize we forgot how to fight a Real War in the trenches and artillery shells in very short supply.
Okay how do we end this crazy war.
Russia is not going to give back the Crimea and Donetsk/ Luhansk they control it also the population these oblast more Russian than Ukrainian.
I do think how this will end eventually is something like the Korea War.
There will be a Peace Keeping Force at the line of Contact contrived of nations like Hungary ,Slovakia, and Turkey nations who have good relations with both Russia / Ukraine & The West and freeze the line of contact to be figured out.
Once the Conflict is Frozen everything else will have to be sorted out as well.
But until we "Freeze" the Live Fire War nothing is gonna get fixed.
I support a Peace-Keeping Force hold the line of Conflict Russia is even open to that but Hungary, Slovakia, & Turkey provide those forces