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Two If By Tea
Today 12:00 pm
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ROG62 » 9 minutes ago » wrote: my bookie this week said "trees don't grow to the skies"...stating "recessions are a necessary evil to weed out troubled businesses leading to stronger economies..."

as far as long term investors are concerned with market uncertainty, "it's the price of admission..."
The Federal Reseve kept Intrest rates too low and just kept printing more dollars.

What ya have today is too many Dollars chasing 2 few goods.

Thats why a brand new car cost 50 grand and a basic starter home like a half Million bucks too..

Ya gotta raise interest rates and cap the money supply.

Ya gonna be a Recession the Stock Maket gonna crash too..

But most average people dont own Stocks so they dont give a crap about Wall Street
Updated 4 minutes ago
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