JohnnyYou » 9 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Man my apologies for not reading your message more closely before my precious reply. Karl, my sincerest condolences on your loss and the difficult times in the aftermath of the loss of your child.
You are now in my circle. I don't know if 16 is enough fingers.
I did the cocaine thing in the 80s and dabbled a few times in later years. Never did pills. Once the fentanyl hit I shunned any white powder.
My boy didnt come back home until my Ex dropped him off.
She said I cant handle him anymore okay.
I let him stay here.
For awhile he was doing good was going the tech college learning about computers & programing
I knew he drank smoked a little weed but I had no Idea he was popping pills.
He went 2 bed and never woke up .
His Ex thought I killed him because day before we havimg a Father & Son Discussion got a little loud too .
Opiates overdosed was the Autopsy Report.
For a second I was a "Suspect" wondering if I gonna be "Arrested"