TwoIfByTea » 51 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
It dont even have 2 be a big city.
Kenosha , Racine Wisconsin formerly Factory Towns are pretty Crack Ghetto nowadays too.
Northside of Milwaukee forget it it thats a Ten Miles Crack Dope ghetto from East/West Expressway all the way to the County Line..
Then ya got young White People act like they all black and blast rap music live like a buncha "N-Words" too.
Heck some of them white kids talk more "Brotha" than a Real Brotha .
Then ya got all these white woman screing brthoas got like 5/6 kids all diferent dads too
The [[[JWO]]] used their mass media empire to create the WIGGERS by glorifying Chimp Gangsta Rap Cultcha.....
The [[[JWO]]] created the HIPPIES, HIPSTERS, WOMENS LIB [a biggie], SJWS, expanded all forms of WHITE MALE *** and every other society debasing social trend that you see in force today.