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Two If By Tea
Today 3:28 pm
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1,350 posts
Okay when my guy is power thats okay.

The excuse becomes welp when they held power they did the "Same Thing" but we are in power now & we gonna do it better than them becomes the new standard.

It aint really whats GOOD 4 AMERICA .

People so crazy & stupid today all they know is afew more Bumper Sticker slogans 2 that.

Ya know back in the day a Holiday Meal.

Your momma was a Republican.

Aunt Uncle were Democrats okay.

Now sure over dinner table made great discussion

But end of day we didnt hate eachothers guts even a basic understanding we got different opinions but we are all still "Family"

Today the Social Media Age do ya know today there is now families cannot talk 2 eachother wont even speak beause one Trump other Kammala
Updated 4 minutes ago
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