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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 8:04 am
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JohnnyYou » 5 minutes ago » wrote: Man, the wife left the vodka out for me.

I was going to have only one last night. It ended up being thirteen.

I can turn off the drink. I made it two months.  I would go to the meetings but they all think the higher power is some white dude with magnificent benevolence.

There is only one step in the process. Admitting you have a problem.  Be careful escaping reality Karl.  You'll find out it is just a crappy simulation.
The meat & potatoes of the "Program" is a Higher Power.

Ya dont necessarilly have to Belive In God.

Allot of em started out just the Group and people sitting at the "Meetings" that was their "Higher Power" to get started off.

I mean some Stone Cold "Atheists" too
Updated 3 minutes ago
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